A community hub is seeking new trustees to join its board and help guide its expanding range of activities and services.

Swindon Hub, a community space in the town centre, provides facilities including an affordable cafe, a bookshop, crafts, and surplus stock sales that benefit Swindon Night Shelter.

The hub also hosts a calendar of events including free yoga sessions, arts and crafts, retro gaming groups, writers’ clubs, and children's story time sessions.

Swindon HubSwindon Hub (Image: Swindon Hub) To maintain and expand its services, the hub is looking for new trustees with expertise in event management, communications and PR, or fundraising.

Rhian Brick, one of Swindon Hub’s full-time coordinators, said: "Swindon Hub has flourished due to the dedication of our volunteers and trustees.

"As we continue to grow, we need more committed individuals to help shape our next chapter.

Swindon HubSwindon Hub (Image: Swindon Hub) "Whether you are interested in helping out in the hub itself or wish to become a trustee, we would love to hear from you."

The hub's annual general meeting is set for October 15 at 6pm at The Hub on The Parade, Swindon.

Attendees will have the chance to learn more about the hub’s future plans, meet the current team, and discuss how new trustees can contribute to its mission.