Investigations into the cause of a fire that spread from a parked car to terraced homes on a Swindon street continues.

On Monday afternoon, fire engines from central Swindon, Westlea, and Stratton attended Rayfield Grove in Ferndale to put out a burning car in a nearby alley.

Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service received the first of several 999 calls at 12.43pm on September 16.

Further calls clarified that the fire had spread to a fence and house.

After the central Swindon crew was sent to the scene, they called for backup upon seeing a large amount of smoke in the area.

When the Drove Road-based team arrived and confirmed that the fire had spread to a terraced house, the officer in charge called for a third fire engine to assist them.

The crews rescued a dog from an adjacent house and administered oxygen to the poorly pet.

Nobody was believed to be injured and police crime scene investigators were still at the scene until just after 8pm. 

The scorched aftermath of the blaze can be seen in new images from Tuesday morning.

A DWFRS spokesperson said: "Crews managed to extinguish the fire using 6x Breathing Apparatus wearers, two 52mm jets, a hose reel covering jet and small tools. 

"Fire investigation is being undertaken at the property to try and ascertain the cause of the fire."