A Trowbridge resident has expressed anger and frustration after complaining several times about cracked pavements which has been an issue for 'more than 20 years'.

Robert Preston, 56, of Blair Road in Trowbridge, says “nothing” has been done to resurface pavements that now have weeds and grass growing out of them.

He says pavements on the Studley Green housing estate are being virtually ignored by the council even though some need resurfacing.

The grass on this pavement in Eastview Road has been growing and has become a danger to pedestrians in wet weather.The grass on this pavement in Eastview Road has been growing and has become a danger to pedestrians in wet weather. (Image: Trevor Porter)

He added: “There are parts of the town that have had their grass cut twice. We haven’t even had our grass cut once.

“I do believe that there’s definitely a two-tier service that is provided by Trowbridge and Wiltshire Council.”

Mr Preston, a computer engineer, claims pavements in Studley Green are being damaged by the weather and drivers parking their vehicles on them.

“It is not just the weeds, it is the condition of the pavements. They are bad.

"They are appalling. They have been appalling since we moved in here 24 years ago.

“I have reported it to the council lots of times and at the last local elections I raised it with Cllr Jo Trigg (the Lambrok Ward councillor for Wiltshire).

“I think she took it to the council but nothing really happened."

The grass on this pavement in Eastview Road has become a danger to pedestrians in wet weather.The grass on this pavement in Eastview Road has become a danger to pedestrians in wet weather. (Image: Trevor Porter)

Mr Preston says the damage by vehicles parking is causing dips in the pavements, which then collect puddles of rainwater when it’s wet.

He says the pavements are particularly bad in Blair Road, Eastview Road and Elmdale Road, all of which he claims need resurfacing after years of neglect.

He added: “The footpath outside 14 Eastview Road is particularly bad and is dangerous to walk on due to a cracked and uneven surface.

“Vegetation is growing in the footpath and this is very slippery during the wet months.

“It’s like a BMX track, it’s so bumpy. You can’t walk straight on the surface, it’s all cracked in lots of places and the grass is growing up through it.

"I have asked the council to mow the path, it’s so bad. The grass was up to my knee.”

Mr Preston has raised a formal complaint to Trowbridge Town Council, saying the footpaths on the three roads should be resurfaced.

Councillors on Tuesday, September 10 approved his request for highways improvements and it will now go to Wiltshire Council’s Local Highways and Footway Group for action.

Trowbridge Town Council leader Stewart Palmen said: “Trowbridge Town Council is working across Trowbridge to remove weeds where they are becoming an issue.

“Where footpaths have become damaged and are cracking then that is the responsibility of Wiltshire Council who have a running schedule to resurface paths that are in poor condition.

“Please report any issues you are seeing to your local Wiltshire councillor.”

Cllr Jo Trigg takes a closer look at pavements in Studley Green that have now been treated to kill the weeds.Cllr Jo Trigg takes a closer look at pavements in Studley Green that have now been treated to kill the weeds. (Image: Trevor Porter)

Cllr Trigg said: “I’ve been very disappointed with the state of some of the pavements across my ward.

“Uneven, potholed surfaces have made life very difficult for many residents, particularly those with mobility issues.

“Some pavements can be absolutely treacherous in places with indifferent patching repairs seldom improving the situation effectively.

“Where pavements have been allowed to deteriorate badly by Wiltshire Council weeds have grown right through and across the surface making them even more dangerous. More money needs to be found to repair and improve our pavements urgently.”

Cllr Nick Holder, Wiltshire Council’s cabinet member for highways and street scene, said: “We are making significant investments in maintaining the highway infrastructure.

“At this location in Trowbridge, there are plans to treat the weeds and, in the short term, carry out reactive safety repairs to address any dangerous defects.”