A "farcical and hilarious" theatre show is coming to Swindon this autumn.

The plot revolve around Jo Smith, who arrives for an audition with director Vyvian Jones, but has actually been invited to the theatre by Vyvian's twin brother, Beverley.

Beverley wants Jo to impersonate her own twin sister, Fiona, to persuade Vyvian that Beverley hasn’t had a fling with Fiona.

'The Comedy of Terrors' will be performed at Swindon Arts Centre on Monday, November 11.

The story unfolds with Vyvian, his fiancé Cheryl, Jo, Fiona and Beverly all involved as the scene is set for multiple cases of mistaken identity.

The show has received strong reviews, with Bracknell News saying it was "a farcical and hilarious couple of hours" and "fabulous”.

Derbyshire Time added: “If you haven’t seen it, do. If you have, see it again; it’s just as funny and ingenious second time around.

"I was worn out with laughing by the end."

Rumpus, who are producing the show, have also been praised for past shows including 'Wife Begins at Forty' and 'One Fling After Another', as well as 'Sorry, I Love You'.