Children from Castle Mead Schools Nursery in Trowbridge celebrated the start of the Paris 2024 Olympics with an opening ceremony of their own.  

The youngsters were invited to come to nursery dressed in their sports kit or colours representing a country's flag and spent the day involved in a range of sporting activities from gymnastics to the high jump.

They also tasted a range of fruit as well as making their own flags following the opening ceremony on Tuesday, July 23.

Castle Mead School’s nursery pupils with the Olympic flags.Trevor Porter 77244-2Castle Mead School’s nursery pupils with the Olympic flags. (Image: Trevor Porter)

Trowbridge mayor Stephen Cooper was the guest of honour and enjoyed watching the children pass the Olympics flame around the room before presenting each of them with a gold medal.

Emma Larkham, headteacher, said: “This was a fabulous finale to the year and a credit to the nursery team who have worked hard to create this experience for the children and their carers to enjoy. 

“It was lovely to see so many parents and carers coming into school to celebrate the end of the year with us.”

Cllr Cooper added: “These are the kind of events that are most important in our community and it was a great pleasure to be involved. The children were fantastic and a credit to the school.”

Trowbridge Mayor Stephen Cooper hands out gold medals to Castle Mead School’s nursery pupils learning about the Olympics. Trevor Porter 77244-3Trowbridge Mayor Stephen Cooper hands out gold medals to Castle Mead School’s nursery pupils learning about the Olympics. (Image: Trevor Porter)