A rapist who lured a girl back to his house and sexually assaulted her has been jailed.

Ellis Crosbee, of North Swindon, appeared at Swindon Crown Court on Tuesday to be sentenced for one count of rape.

During his trial in March, the court heard that the 19-year-old - who was 18 at the time of the offence in September 2023 – persuaded his 15-year-old victim to come to his home address, where he then raped her.

Officers arrested Crosbee on the following day after the attack was reported.

He has been jailed for six years and made subject to a Sexual Harm Prevention Order for 10 years, which prevents him from having contact with children under the age of 16.

Detective Constable Gemma Neighbour said: “I commend the survivor who bravely reported this horrifying ordeal which led to the capture and conviction of Crosbee.

“He intentionally preyed on and exploited a teenage girl, luring her back to his home address where he subjected her to a serious sexual assault.

“Wiltshire Police will do their utmost to ensure that those seeking to sexually exploit children and the most vulnerable in our society are brought to justice.

“It’s a sad fact that child sexual exploitation does not just take place online and can also take place in plain sight.

“We take such cases extremely seriously and we have specially trained investigators who are able to support young people in these cases, working with partner agencies to support them through the judicial process.”

The wiltshire.police.uk website includes various ways that victims of rape or sexual assault can report these crimes.