THE latest snapshot of work on Fleming Way's bus boulevard received a lot of attention from Adver readers.

Swindon Borough Council is spending £33 million - most of which is from central government - on the project, including the new national bus hub on the site of the former Cheltenham Street car park.

Once the whole scheme is to be completed in Autumn 2024, with the new inclusive bus interchange accommodating all bus services in the town centre.

This will mean all the town's bus services being able to leave from one single location, including the inter-urban bus and coach services (Oxford, Salisbury and National Express Services).

Slowly but surely, it's all coming together.

Here's what you had to say on the matter:

Noel Anthony Derbs: Swindon Borough Council just love digging up roads

Stuart King: How many times over the years have the council attempted to improve Fleming Way just for it to be changed back?

Sha Watts: Slowly! Would there be any other way when it comes to these projects?

Paul Loveday: A bus hub, just what the fine people of Swindon have been crying out for.

Just think, other towns have to put up with decent leisure facilities and roads you can actually drive on and here we are with our very own bus hub for a dead and decaying town centre.

Personally I cannot wait to admire it as I'm waiting for the bus that never runs on time, a big well done all round

Craig Chapman: Just need a reliable bus service and more drivers that actually turn up would benefit this town rather than digging up roads just to make it look nice.

The bus companies do not know what they are doing half of the time. The55 bus is poorly run if late.

Lee Jefferies: Looking great, well done Swindon.

Andrew Coulthard: It's been closed for three months so far and I still don't see any signs of progress.

Lee Sartin: On the one hand, central government has paid for this by issuing a grant to the council so it has nothing to do with local taxpayers money.

On the other hand, I can think of much better ways to spend £30m on improving the town centre.

Personally it would have been cheaper to resurface Fleming Way whilst introducing new bus stops and improving the subway into the parade.

Bob Shepherd: "Would be perfect if we had a few more buses that actually went somewhere in town that is not wrecked.

What a great way to spend so much money, not.

The town is a dump. The roads are a disgrace, but hey we have lots of art work on the boarded up shops and buildings.

Samantha Waite: Probably be a mess like the rest of the road “improvements” in Swindon.

Kevin Young: The thing is, Thamesdown buses have been running fine. So it proves we don't need this at all.

Mike Gibbons: It looks a total mess.

They spent about £300.000 on updating the road coming from the train station to welcome visitors to a lost soulful town centre.

I think the shopping parks are a much better and welcoming place for visitors to Swindon

Tammy Jackson: Those who are not affected by this are very lucky.

The bus from town to work has been cancelled between the hours of 7.30am and 10.10am.

At present, we are relying on Stagecoach buses and even they are cancelled at times.

Jocky Harding: Can't wait for this, it was such a great way to spend 30 mill, it will really bring the town together and be a real show stopper feature for the town, bringing it some real needed character, we really really needed it.

Got to give a massive huge round of applause to Swindon Borough Council again for their continued stupendous ideas and work.

Add a few more coffee shops and poundshops and the town is pretty much complete.