Voters in Swindon will go to the polls on Thursday, May 5 to elect 19 out of 57 councillors in Euclid Street.

Here's your essential rundown of the wards, the candidates standing and the issues that matter to residents in each one.

Blunsdon & Highworth

Highworth is the at the northern-most reaches of Swindon borough – and is very keen to retain its ancient and proudly-guarded status as a separate hilltop town.

Blunsdon is just across the A419 from Swindon proper. What both areas have in common, (except for three Conservative councillors) is that they are growing rapidly.

Developers are finding the grassy fields on the edge of Highworth are green in terms of getting permission for houses. And similarly, it seems any spare patch of ground in Blunsdon is being eyed up by builders.

Although a solidly Conservative ward, this could spell some trouble for the administration – a previous councillor, Maureen Penny, who was on the Conservative cabinet made it plain she wasn’t happy about the council’s plans to expand Blunsdon as part of meeting its housing targets.

Candidates standing: Andrew Donald DAY (Green), Lesley Ann  GOW  (Labour), Steven Mark WEISINGER  (Conservative).


Situated around the County Ground and with Broadgreen as part of the ward, Central is one of the most deprived in Swindon. The issues of crime and anti-social behaviour around Manchester Road are well known.

Also an issue is the state of the housing stock and inequality in economic opportunities and health outcomes for the people who live in the ward.

Candidates standing: Junab ALI (Labour and Co-operative Party), Hannah Louise PAJAK - (Liberal Democrats),Anabelle Patricia PEGADO  (Conservative).

Chiseldon & Lawn

One of the biggest wards on the borough, Chiseldon & Lawn is also one of the least populated. Where 17 of 19 wards have three members, Chiseldon & Lawn only has enough residents to support two.

One of the oddities of this election is that the seat is being vacated after just one year by the sitting councillor William Horley, who held it for the Conservatives last year after a by-election caused by the death of the sitting councillor Brian Mattock.

Candidates standing: Fareed AHMED QUIDWAI (Liberal Democrats), Mike DAVIES (Labour), Lawrence  ELLIOTT (Conservative).

Covingham & Dorcan

Covingham and Dorcan represent the eastern edge of the urban area of Swindon, butting right up to the A419.

But that won’t last for long. Much of the New Eastern Villages expansion of Swindon will be across the dual carriageway from Dorcan and Covingham – and the area has seen preparations such as the extensive remodelling of the Piccadilly Roundabout for months.

It’s a solid Conservative ward, but the impact of the expansion as houses are built just across the highway could factor into how voters here see the current administration.

Kevin Parry - one of what is a diminishing number of married couples on the council - is standing for re-election, having spent a year as mayor in 2019-20.

Candidates standing: Scott Victor Abbas HUNTER (Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition), Geoffrey Harry KING  (Liberal Democrats), Kevin James PARRY (Conservative), Tomas William SILBERBERG (Labour).


Eastcott (pronounced Est-cutt for any newcomers) is one of Swindon’s inner wards, sharing with Old Town many of Swindon’s better-known areas, such as the town centre, and facilities – including Regent Circus and the former Museum and Art Gallery in Bath Road.

Long-serving Liberal Democrat councillor and former Swindon mayor Stan Pajak is attempting to win back the seat he lost in 2021 after many years representing the ward.

Candidates standing: Bhawna GOYAL (Conservative), Stan PAJAK (Liberal Democrat Focus Team), Imtiyaz  SHAIKH (Labour and Co-operative).

Gorse Hill & Pinehurst

This is one of Labour’s strongholds in the council chamber and has remained so even while other parts of its own ‘Red Wall’ in the heart of Swindon have been chipped away.

If Labour are to start reversing the tide in Swindon which has been running all the Conservatives way recently, they have to hold this seat. If the Conservatives take another seat in a Labour stronghold, it would appear the national government’s travails are not translating to Swindon.

Candidates standing: Alex HUGHES (Conservative), Carol Hannah SHELLEY (Labour).

Haydon Wick

The Haydon Wick ward of council leader David Renard has seen some drama over the last few years.

A solidly Conservative ward, it saw Conservative cabinet member Oliver Donachie leave the group, and their party, and take against Coun Renard quite spectacularly. Coun Donachie stood as an independent in 2021 saying he wanted to help unseat the administration – but the Conservatives took the seat handily and it would appear normal service has been resumed.

The outgoing councillor Garry Perkins is actually the Swindon mayor this year. His first year as the town’s first citizen was ruined by the Covid -19 pandemic restrictions and he has, very unusually, served a  second year.

It means, until he is replaced at the May 20 council meeting, Swindon will have a mayor who is no longer a sitting councillor.

Candidates standing: Matthew Thomas Jamie Hugo LODGE (Labour), Bose PATRICK-OKOH (Conservative).

Liden, Eldene & Park South

This ward (known almost universally as LEPS by councillors) is a real battleground. What was until 2019 a solid labour ward now sees two Conservatives sitting. One, Bazil Solomon, defected soon after having won the seat for Labour. And last year Cutis Flux won in a good year for the Conservatives.

LEPS will be seen as critical by both parties in a straight fight – either as consolidation for the Conservatives or as part of a resurgence for labour.

Candidates standing: Zachary Jay HAWSON (Conservative), Janine HOWARTH (Labour and Co-operative Party).

Lydiard & Freshbrook

This ward on the western edge of Swindon should be a Conservative stronghold judging by similar wards in Swindon. And it is, apart from 2016 when it elected Labour candidate Matthew Courtliff.

Coun Courtliff rather took the wind out of the sails of what looked like a knife-edge election in 2019 when he left Labour, sat as an independent and then rapidly joined the Conservatives not long before polling day - turning a small administration majority into something more comfortable. He was comfortably re-elected last year.

A Labour victory here really would signal a change in the electoral tide.

Candidates standing: Luke Eric DAWSON (Conservative), Rob PETTEFAR (Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition), Sean WILSON (Labour).

Mannington & Western

Two issues predominate in this ward just to the north of the railway line and town centre: traffic and smells.

Residents have been up in arms for years about the traffic jams caused by shoppers trying to get to the Designer Outlet and events at Steam Museum in the old railway quarter.

They have also been plagued by the Rodbourne Pong and attempts to identify the source of, and address, a periodic smell which has been described as being like rotting vomit.

Candidates standing: Gyan Prasad GURUNG (Conservative), Fraser MCCORMICK  - (Liberal Democrats), James ROBBINS  (Labour and Co-operative Party).

Old Town

If anywhere can be described as Swindon’s metropolitan bohemian quarter, it’s Old Town. And it’s also a real battleground for the two main parties, with Labour having two sitting councillors and the Conservatives one.

Last year in what was an otherwise fairly poor day for Labour, it increased its share of the vote dramatically to hold the seat very well.

Candidates standing: Bill HUGHES (Green), Sumon Chandra ROY (Conservative),  Nadine Carol WATTS (Labour), Martin WILTSHIRE - (Liberal Democrats).

Penhill & Upper Stratton

In 2019 when it looked like Labour might have been able to take control of Euclid Street for the first time in 15 years that was punctured when the Conservatives won a seat in this previously Labour stronghold.

That was compounded last year when the Conservatives repeated the trick.

Labour’s Claire Crilly must hold her seat if the party has any hope of turning the tide at all.

Candidates standing: Claire CRILLY (Labour), Michelle HORROBIN (Liberal Democrats), Ola IBITOYE (Conservative).

Priory Vale

Voters in this solidly Conservative ward in north Swindon might be forgiven a touch of poll-weariness. Just six weeks after they voted in last year’s elections in May they were asked to go again for a by-election. The independent former Conservative candidate Emma Faramarzi has stood down with a year to run on her term in the fallout from the drama between Oliver Donachie and David Renard in Haydon Wick.

As a consequence, the sitting candidate Kate Tomlinson is back on the campaign trail just 10 months after her election.

Candidates standing: Robert Andrew HEATH (Labour), Kate TOMLINSON (Conservative).

Rodbourne Cheney

Pronounced ‘Rodbourne Cheenie’ if you want to avoid being corrected by the locals, especially when reading our election results, this ward is another where Labour need see if fortunes rise

Another former urban stronghold, one of the seats was taken by the Conservatives last year. If Labour does not hold the seat being vacated by long-serving councillor Peter Watts, it is in for a difficult night, and another year in opposition.

Candidates standing: Roderick George HEBDEN-LEEDER (Green), Omkar MUNAGALA (Conservative), William Lewis STONE (Labour)


This West Swindon ward grew as part of the expansion of Swindon in the latter decades of the 20th century. It has the characteristic pattern of quite closely packed areas of private housing and large area of green open space.

It’s a Conservative stronghold. The long-serving councillor and cabinet member for children Mary Martin is standing down.

Candidates standing: Suresha GATTAPUR (Conservative), Ken KIMBER (Green), Zohaib Ali TARIQ (Labour).

St Andrews

A rapidly growing area of North Swindon, housing, traffic and parking are issues here. It’s a solidly Conservative ward and a loss of this seat, vacated by Rahul Tarar stepping down, would be an indication of a significant shift in Swindon’s politics.

Candidates standing: Jake Edward CHANDLER (Conservative), Jason John MILLS (Labour), Bradley Martyn WILLIAMS (Green).

St Margaret & South Marston

The impact of the expansion of Swindon in the New Eastern Villages will be felt across Swindon. But nowhere more so thatin this ward on the eastern edge of the town. Much of the expansion is within the ward, and even those parts of it which won’t see hundreds of houses and new employment facilities built will experience the effects of more and more residents moving it.

It’s been a strong Conservative ward for several election cycles.

Candidates standing: Pamela Lesley ADAMS (Labour and Co-operative Party), Roger Arthur SMITH (Conservative).

Walcot & Park North

This central ward is one of Labour’s strongholds which have so far resisted the blandishments of the Conservatives which have seen others fall.

The Conservatives will hope that its recent dominance continues and that this seat falls to them. Labour will be very keen to ensure they win here as it will be critical for the party’s hopes of recovery in the council chamber.

Candidates standing: Abdu AMIN (Labour and Co-operative Party), Agnelo ESTROCIO (Conservative), Dawn Elizabeth PAJAK (Liberal Democrats).

Wroughton & Wichelstowe

Sitting councillor David Martyn is another who finds himself standing again just one year after election. His seat became vacant at the resignation of former Lib Dem councillor Andy Spry with a year to run on this term.

It’s fair to say that Mr Spry’s election in 2018 came as something of a surprise in the previously solid Conservative ward.

Like Blunsdon & Highworth, however, residents are concerned at the administration’s desire to focus significant levels of new housing in both areas. Reaction to that might be interesting.

Candidates standing: Pippa FAIRBOURN (Green),

Sam JAMES (Labour),

David George Curtis MARTYN (Conservative).

Adam POOLE  (Liberal Democrats)