TROWBRIDGE councillors are being urged to borrow up to £3.9 million towards a 3G Artificial Turf Pitch for use by the town’s rugby and football clubs.

But the total cost of the project next to Trowbridge Rugby Football Club at Doric Park, Hilperton, could total £7.54 million when interest rates and repayments are taken into account.

Based on the latest information from the Government’s Treasury department, this equates to an annual repayment, including interest, of £150,804 over a 50-year term at an interest rate of 2.99 percent.

In a statement, the town council said: “Both the town council and Wiltshire Council have had a long-term strategy to develop a 3rd Generation Artificial Turf Pitch at Doric Park.

This Is Wiltshire: Members of Trowbridge Town Council's Doric Park working party visit the proposed site for the 3G Artificial Turf PitchMembers of Trowbridge Town Council's Doric Park working party visit the proposed site for the 3G Artificial Turf Pitch

“The town council has received over £550,000 in planning gain funding (S106) towards the project and a grant of around £488,000 from the Football Foundation.

“The Town Council will have to find up to an additional £3.9 million to fund the facility, including additional parking for Trowbridge Rugby Club, changing rooms, meeting spaces and a gym facility.

“Building Inflation and interest rates have increased costs and the council is considering options for solar panels and organic alternatives for the pitch infill which have also added to the costs of the project as it has developed.”

The project is opposed by two Conservative opposition councillors, Cllr Edward Kirk and Cllr Antonio Piazza.

They believe the 3G ATP project is too costly and that potential borrowing requested from the Public Works Loan Board will be repaid over too long a period.

Trowbridge town councillors will hold an extraordinary meeting on Tuesday, May 3 to consider final approval of the Doric Park 3G-ATP investment.

At the meeting, they will also be asked to approve a tender from a main contractor to build the proposed new leisure facility, which is due for completion in September 2023.

They will also be asked to complete an agreement with Trowbridge RFC to gain access to the site just off the A361.

In the meantime, Trowbridge residents have been invited to complete a consultation survey on the latest plans.

Residents are encouraged to read the full project plan available here. Click here to access the survey.

Paper copies will also be available from the Information Centre at the Trowbridge Town Council Offices in St Stephen’s Place. The closing date for comments is Monday, May 2.