Work to bring forward the expected finish date for the completion of roadworks at Picadilly Roundabout is due to begin today. 

Improvements to the busy Covingham route were initially supposed to have been finished in Summer 2021, but were then pushed back to Winter, and now are facing an April finish date. 

But overnight work beginning today, which will completely close the roundabout between 8pm and 6am for seven days, is expected to be the difference between the project finishing at the beginning of April and the end of April. 

This Is Wiltshire:

R&W Civil Engineering will be taking advantage of the overnight closure to finish tarmac on the spine roads leading off from the roundabout and the roundabout itself. 

It is believed that residents in Oakley Park and Wagtail Close who can only access their homes via the roundabout will be provided with access in and out. 

But, once these works are complete, there will still be more to do as the major cause of the deadline slipping again is said to have been caused by delays to Thames Water removing an asbestos pipe from Covingham Drive. 

This is scheduled to take place once the roundabout closure and work is over on April 5.