A MAN from London has been arrested following several break-ins at the Swindon Hindu Temple.

Yesterday, officers handcuffed a 39-year-old on suspicion of burglary then took him onto custody and interviewed him at Gablecross Police Station.

He has since been released on conditional bail while their enquiries continue.

Police have been investigating a string of burglaries which targeted the Cheney Manor cultural centre on Darby Close and date back to May 2021, with the most recent happening last Wednesday.

Chief Inspector Nick Mawson said: “We know that these burglaries have caused a huge amount of upset and concern for our local Hindu community and we have been providing them with updates about our ongoing investigations.

“Our enquiries are continuing, and, although this arrest marks a significant development, there is still more work to be done.

“We still need information from the public so would continue to urge anyone with information about these crimes to contact Swindon CID.”

Anyone with information should call 101, quoting crime reference 54220009063, or call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111.

The Hindu community is searching for a more suitable place of worship after the council ended the lease on the property for safety reasons.