Last week, the Adver reported that vandals had lobbed eggs at the windows of an Old Town restaurant and shouted racist abuse at staff.

Biplob manager Rokib Ali was distraught when he witnessed what he believes to be a targeted attack on his business on Thursday night.

Police have asked anyone with any information regarding this incident or anyone who witnessed it to call 101.

Since then, there has been an outpouring of support for Biplob's staff and shock at the vandals' actions.

Many readers are united in agreement that Biplob provides the best Indian and Bangladeshi food in Swindon.

Alma Thud: Really disturbing to hear this and hope the mindless idiots who did this are identified from the numerous CCTV cameras in the area and punished. The owner of this restaurant is a valued member of the community and quietly does huge amounts for local charity. I hope Rokib and his team are all well and appreciate the people that did this are not tolerated by the 99.9% of decent people in Swindon.

Emma Williams: As awful as this is Biplob owner and staff please don't take any notice of these mindless racists. You run one of the best restaurants in Swindon.

Angie Tucker: That is not right and believe me the few that done it that don’t speak for us all

Ian McCarthy: What a bunch of idiots, still the best curry house in Swindon, just rise above it

Nigel Farnhill: A egg hit my car windscreen last night at the top of croft Road

Pradeep Ganesan: This is not one off incident, few years ago the vandals threw eggs at the Nationwide staffs too. Racism is there unless it's wrapped under carpet saying they're drunkards.

Jennifer Nelson: I find those that think it is ok to judge someone by colour or creed morons. We have a pandemic going on which effects everyone this act on this man was done by mindless idiots.

Lizzie Duke: Love this restaurant! Considering a cheeky takeaway myself tonight, I know it’s easier said than done but don’t let the bigots get to you!

Ryan Cleary: Food is very good there.

Scott McGrath: Love this restaurant! Considering a cheeky takeaway myself tonight, I know it’s easier said than done but don’t let the bigots get to you!

Gary Bingham: Just totally disgusting. A great place to go and the best curry house in Swindon.

Sophie Hart: Some people defy logic. Why harm people who serve a community? Its such sad, pathetic behaviour. I just don't get how racists who are this low can judge others. Epic lack of self of awareness.

Samantha Holborow: No one deserves this treatment. Biplob have been providing free food for elderly people since the pandemic and have continued to do so !! These “people” who did this should have to do some community service themselves.

Marian Whitworth Houlihan: It's an absolute disgrace.

Simon Cousens: What's the matter with some people. Mindless idiots

Dave Eccles: Appalling behaviour by the racists. I stand with the restaurant and it's staff and am sorry this has happened.

Wiltshirereader: Disgraceful and cowardly behaviour! Hope these morons are caught - Biplob is a great restaurant and the owner and staff certainly don't deserve this.

Silvergran: Disgusting behaviour by a few morons. Sorry this has happened to this great restaurant and its staff, they don't deserve to have things like that happening. Hopefully these vile people will have been picked up on CCTV somewhere and will be dealt with properly, not just a slap on the wrist.

Akshay Dongre: Another day in the life of a brown man in Swindon (saying this as one, from first hand first class racism experience). Nothing new. And sadly, nothing will change as it hasnt in the last 6 years.

Nigel Lewis: This is way out of order, all this restaurant is doing is earning a living and providing Indian food for folks who like Indian food