Lawn Manor Academy pupils commemorated those who fought and died for their country and marked the 100th anniversary of the Royal British Legion yesterday.

Army reservist and teacher, Andy Bull, led a service at the school which was broadcast to pupils in classrooms before a two minute silence.

Year 10 pupil and Army Cadet member Luke helped to lay the wreath.

Mr Bull stressed how important it is for every generation to understand the sacrifices made.

He said:“‘For your tomorrow, we gave our today’ sums it up for me.

This Is Wiltshire:

"It’s easy to forget that the freedoms that we enjoy have come at great cost. It is important that we do remember to ensure that those rights and freedoms continue.

"We can only do that by educating young people that rights have to be defended.

"We want our young people to be up-standers who care about the world around them and want to be the architects of their own future."

Pupils have been learning about Commonwealth War Graves in cemeteries and churchyards in Swindon.

Mr Bull added: “Today, we have no veterans of the First World War and even fewer from the Second World War.

"However, the work of the Royal British Legion assumes the same importance today as it did 100 years ago.

"It provides help and support for care and independent living, physical and mental wellbeing and employment support, as well as providing local community connections.”