Fears over future of Designer Outlet

I hope the Designer Outlet survives as a shopping mall and finds a new owner soon.

Early this year, I sent a letter to the Swindon planning department objecting to a substantial housing development.

I must emphasise it's a private venture; however, I can only assume Swindon Borough Council has involvement, as the homes would count towards Swindon's housing target, and a leading council officer has been at the site.

Here is the letter I sent to the planning office, which, I think you will agree, has much irony:

"The decision to move to Swindon by the Designer Outlet in 1997 is, without doubt, one of Swindon's success stories. It's always worth a visit, and I'm sometimes surprised how far visitors have travelled.

I have just read a book, titled The Town that Died.

Not to bore you with the details, it's about a town where its local economy collapsed.

It got me thinking. What if the Designer Outlet decided to move to another town - what would it do to Swindon's economy? It probably wouldn't collapse, but it would take a big hit.

What does this developer intend to do! Dig up a railway embankment knowing, only too well, it contains hazardous substances: asbestos, etc. And only metres from the Designer Outlet.

Any sane person would tell you that is probably not a good decision.

I have read some ill-informed comments on this proposed housing development and how it's perceived to be good for Swindon's economy.

Well, I can tell those people; this would be a drop in the ocean if Swindon lost the Designer Outlet.

Damage to trade, by poor publicity or Swindon Council was found to be in serious breach of contract, the Designer Outlet would be gone sooner than one could say mesothelioma."

William Abraham



Why would vilified Europeans return?

So the European migrants who were regularly vilified by leading Tories, Johnson, Patel, Fox, Gove, Rees-Mogg to name just a few, are now being asked to return to the UK to help ease the labour shortage the country is suffering from.

When is the Government going to realise that the UK is dependent on migrant labour to keep the country going?

How many workers will take up the offer to come to a country that just a few years ago couldn't wait to get rid of them?

And how many will want to come to a country that has been decimated by eleven years of Tory rule, or should that be Tory (misrule)?

Martin Webb

Victoria Road


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