YOUNG people from Pinehurst worked together to create a beach for the whole community to enjoy.

The Pinehurst Initiative Forum was awarded a £4,700 grant last year from the Wiltshire Community Foundation to hold a summer fun day but it had to be postponed because of the pandemic.

Rev Simon Halls, of the Shine Pinehurst church, said the young people came up with the idea of creating their own beach instead of the fun day and part of the grant was used to pay for it.

“They did the whole thing themselves, they planned out how big it was going to be, sourced the sand and got quotes from suppliers and asked Central Swindon North Parish Council for permission to put it in The Circle on the estate,” he said.

“It’s been really hard for families this year, particularly with Covid and everyone staying in the UK. Prices have gone up massively which means many families have been priced out of getting a holiday this year. That’s why it is so important to have things like this.”

The sand was delivered at the end of July but it caused a last-minute panic for the young people until their families and friends came to the rescue.

“The lorry couldn’t tip the sand into the frame they had built so it had to drop it close by,” said Rev Halls. “We had about 30 young people and adults moving 13 tonnes of sand so it has been quite a huge community effort.”

The beach opened on August 1 and has been popular. “We’ve had 40 young people and their families on the beach every day so it has been a great success already,” said Rev Halls.

“The older young people are organising beach volleyball and there will be a barbecue so it is going to be very well used.

“I have been dead proud of all the young people because some of those who have been involved are often labelled as causing trouble. But they have been the ones who were the first there to help pull it all together and shift all that sand. They have been a real asset to our community.”

Nabiha, 12, and Lily, 10, were part of the group who organised the beach. “No-one could really go to the beach in the lockdown so it is good that all the kids can play in the sand,” said Nabiha, a pupil at Swindon Academy. “It has been nice to see everyone playing, I am glad we have made everyone happy,” added Lily, a pupil at Seven Fields Primary School.

Wiltshire Community Foundation joint chief executive Fiona Oliver said: “It is fantastic that our funding has helped empower these young people to organise this for the whole community.

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