You know you're from Swindon if...

We asked our Facebook followers to complete the sentence above and received a lively response.

Here is a selection of some of the best replies...

Rebecca Harrison: "You use the word 'kiddie' when describing grown adults and people you vaguely know, usually from school or around your estate, but can't remember their actual name!"

Jason Hunt: "You spend half your life stuck in traffic because of roadworks."

Darren Attridge: "You can remember driving down Mead Way before they dug it up."

Mark Walford: "If you know what the wave machine is at the deep end."

John Stanley: "If you saw Cream at the Locarno, know where Wills factory was and Nicholson coat factory. Drank coffee in Nottons cafe and bought your pet from Brett's and remember the fire station in Cromwell Street. If you can tick those off you are a true Swindonian."

Kath Fairbanks: "You worked at Wises Bakery, Headlands Grove or Bluebird Toys."

Mary Martin: "You only eat mashed potatoes (haven’t got the Devizes for Chippenham)."

Sheri Bown: "If you drive the Magic Roundabout with ease."

Kirsty Doe: "You say Preemark instead of Primark."

Niki Bartoszewska: "You have been waiting for the new snowdome since 1876..."

Filipe Piedade: "You tell non-Swindonians that you live by the Cotswolds."

Jonathan Clowes: "Your left side tyres wear before the right."

Clive Szulc: "You’re of a certain age and had a great night in Route 66."

Terry Weston: "It takes two hours to travel one mile due to all the roadworks and tailbacks."

Aimee White: "When you say tuff instead of tooth."

David Moore: "You can say to someone that's not from the area 'what's the problem, the Magic Roundabout is easy to get across'."

Gary Riggs: "You know that the Brunel's revolving bar, used to actually revolve"

Lee S Bennett: "That the North of England starts at the hill out of Highworth and get lost at Lechlade."

Ashutosh Singhal: "Cannot buy anything from regular shops after doing an essential Swindonian check in mind: 'Would this be available at cheaper price in the Outlet'."

Cathy Anne: "You panic when in another town and there's a junction but no roundabout, wondering how on earth you turn right without one."

Deborah Vitale: "You had to traverse the Magic Roundabout as part of your driving test."

Gemma Watt: "You have to explain to clients: ‘about an hour from London’."

Trudi Nowlin: "You use to love Raspsody as a teenager."

Andy Hinder: "You do a lot of walking because it’s quicker than travelling by car or public transport."

Kathryn Walker: "A relative worked at the railways or British Leyland."