THE new Tier 4 restrictions are not enough to help curb the rise in Covid cases in Swindon, Adver readers say.

Health secretary Matt Hancock announced on Wednesday that Swindon would be moved from Tier 3 into the toughest 'stay at home' lockdown at one minute past midnight on New Year’s Eve. 

This meant that all non-essential shops had to close and people must stay at home unless they are going to work or school. 

But some readers were not sure the new restrictions would be enough. 

Kirsty Preece said: “Stay at home unless you’re going to work or school? 

“How many people are living in Tier 4 but work in lower tiers and therefore potentially spreading it? 

“Tier systems don’t work.”

Chris Pickles believes the switch to Tier 4 came too soon for the town, something

Swindon Borough Council director of public health Steve Maddern agreed with. 

Chris added: “Swindon is in Tier 4 when we have only been in Tier 3 for a few days so it has had no chance to have any sort of impact.”

Riley Manning wanted to se a complete shutdown of all retail and hospitality businesses with the town being in Tier 4. 

She said: “But will it be shut or will everything all of a sudden be open for click and collect? 

“And everything that’s selling a little bit of food and drink to be deemed essential.”

Alex Collins wanted to see a full lockdown rather than the tier system continuing. 
He added: “This is needed but a proper, full lockdown should be implemented throughout January. 

“It’s greatly needed to ease the pressure on the emergency services as well as stopping the spread of the virus.”

Others believe that if the majority of businesses have to close and people should stay at home then schools should also remain shut after the Christmas break. 

April Reynolds said: “Yet we’re expected to send our kids to school. 

“Guess I’m going to end up with a big fine.”

Jennie Edwards Thompson added: “I stand by my comment made back in March.

“When Parliament seats are full then kids should be in school and not before.

“Stop playing Russian Roulette with children.”

And Conor Williams said: “Why are kids still allowed to go to school if it’s as bad as they make out?

“The whole thing’s a joke.”

But others didn’t want any new restrictions and felt that life should already be returning to normal. 

Sonia Adameke asked: “What’s the point?

“Closing down businesses have shown time and time again that it was never the problem for spread. 

“Covid is meant to spread as long as people interact with each other. 

“The vulnerable should isolate completely let the economy and life carry on.”