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Death Notice

Charles Grange

Published on 28/12/2022

GRANGE Charles 14.4.1937 15.12.2022 Passed away peacefully at Great Western Hospital surrounded by his family, aged 85. He was a loving husband, father, Grandad and great grandad. Funeral service will take place on Thursday 12th January 15.00pm at Kingsdown Crematorium. Bright colours to be worn at the family's request. Family flowers only please, donations would be appreciated in aid of Swindon Stroke Support Group. Enquiries to Central England Coop 01793 534759


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Tasha Edwards December 29th, 2022
Tasha Edwards image
Love you Pops! Will miss you xx
tina Ledbury December 28th, 2022
Love you Pops, miss you loads xx