PROSTITUTES in Swindon are still working the streets around Manchester Road, say residents, despite police claims they are winning the battle against the sex workers.

Last year the police launched Operation Dobbin – a high profile campaign to tackle the problem of men paying for sex in Swindon. Officers say there are now fewer girls working the streets in Broadgreen.

But not everyone agrees. One anonymous caller to the Adver said he saw four prostitutes between the Magic Roundabout and the County Road junction with Manchester Road on Monday night.

Police have issued four acceptable behaviour contracts to kerb crawlers caught paying for sex, banning them from entering Broadgreen.

Under the scheme, cars seen suspiciously trawling the streets of Broadgreen are monitored and their details recorded.

Drivers seen returning to the area for no reason are sent a letter, warning them to stay away.

Despite this traders and residents in the area believe it is a difficult problem to control.

Ahmed Isitmen, manager of a kebab shop in Manchester Road, said drug dealers and vice girls were smarter than police gave them credit for.

He said: “These people are not stupid. They live around here. They disappear when the police come around and then come out the minute they leave.

“For them to say it is getting better is a bit much considering I see the effects every night.

”When police stop their patrols at 10 or 11pm the problems starts again.”

Carole Coates, 62, who has lived in Manchester Road all her life, said the prostitutes were still around.

She said: “I have been propositioned by a punter myself.

“That scared me stiff so I don’t leave the house after dark. If I want to leave someone needs to come collect me.

“You won’t see any respectable woman on the streets after dark anymore.

“The thing is they are still there but they are more sneaky now.”

Shona Corcoran, who works at the Tap and Barrel pub in Manchester Road, said a prostitute was in the pub last Saturday.

She said: “We had to refuse service to one the other night, she was completely off her face.

“It’s laughable for the police to say that things are improving.

“I work the weekends so I know how bad it can get, I have seen more police but there is the same amount of women.

“I haven’t seen the police in here asking about how to fix the problem of prostitutes yet.”

However, as reported in the Adver yesterday, Karen Leakey of Broadgreen Community Council believes the situation is improving and she has said she receives fewer complaints about prostitutes.